Annual Calendar Contest- Top 13 Winners 2016 Meet the 2016 FSPR Calendar Winners: #1 Bentley and Princess 640 Votes #2 Ruffles, Chewie and Toby 400 votes #3 Mooshie 340 Votes #4- Madison 230 Votes #5 Mozzie 225 Votes #6 Chevy 190 Votes (Tie) # 7 Lilo and Teddy 190 Votes (Tie) #8 Belle and Deja 190 Votes (Tie) #9 Sam 160 Votes #10 Missy 85 Votes #11 Yogi 75 Votes (Tie) #12 Marlin 75 Votes (Tie) #40 Miley 75 Votes (Tie) Here are all the 2016 Contestants! #1 Madison 230 Votes #2 Hershey #3 Ringo #4 Ringo #5 Marlin 75 Votes #6 Rhoda 40 Votes #7 Jarvis 20 votes #8 Babi #9 Darla & Honey #10 Darla #11 Jojo #12 Boomer #13 Raja #14 Ming Lei #15 Bogie #16 Bogie #17 Chevy 190 Votes #18 Mooshie 340 Votes #19 Rascal #20 Rascal #21 Rascal, Kai & Nefe #22 Rascal #23 Rascal #24 Mozzie 225Votes #25 Mozzie and Rigsby 15 votes #26 Mozzie #27 Khloe, Rigsy, Gilby #28 Yogi Bear 75 votes #29 Bogie & Lulu #30 Pooh 63 Votes #33 Mookie #34 Chewie #35 400 Votes Ruffles,Chewie,Toby #36 Chewie & Toby #37 Sage #38 Miley #39 Miley #40 Miley 75 votes #41 Miley 70 Votes #42 Miley & Max #43 Max #44 Max 40 Votes #45 Max 70 Votes #46 Princess Di 40 Votes #47 Miss Annie #48 Miss Annie & Huxley #49 Buddy & Toby #50 Buddy #51 Mocha #52 Sally #53 Sally & Deeds #54 Chance #55 Chance 30 Votes #56 Walle 70 Votes #57 Walle #58 Walle #59 Walle #60 Walle 40 Votes #61 Miley & Walle 40 Votes #63 Bentley & Princess 640 Votes #64 Belle & Deja #65 Belle & Deja 190 votes #66 Sam –160 votes #67 Sam #68 Sam #69 Sam #70 Sam #71 Simon & Brie #72 Skye & Sadie 20 votes #73 Dexter #74 Dexter #75 Chance #76 Chance #77 Chance 30 Votes #80 Chance #81 Missy 85 votes #82 Missy 25 votes #83 Kobe #84 Miso #85 Teddy #86 Lilo #87 Teddy & Lilo #88 Honey #89 Lilo & Teddy 190 Votes #90 Shadow #91 Marley #92 Zeplin #93 Hooch #94 Eisa #95 Aiko #96 Huxley #97 Toby #98 Ruffles #99 Hershey #100 Gus #101 Gus #102 Bogie and Lulu 66 votes #103 BA Hudson #104 BA Hudson #105 BA Hudson #106 Velvet #107 Velvet 40 votes #108 Velvet #109 Tao #110 Tao #111 Theodore