Brutus because it was "The Right Thing To Do." Little did we know that it was going to end up being one of the "Best Things We Have Done." We renamed Brutus, Buddy and adopted him from FSPR. He is such a gift. This is one of the sweetest, most loving, gentle dogs in the whole world. He loves everyone and everyone loves Buddy. He is such a happy fellow, playing for hours with his best buddy Toby (also a FSPR adoption) and he lives for his walks. Thank You Florida Shar Pei Rescue for trusting us with your precious foster and blessing us with his adoption. Bob and Geri R

A year ago to the day, I lost the love of my life, Scout who was 14 1/2 years old. I never anticipated having another dog again. Shortly after Scout's passing I noticed a photo of a special needs puppy "Plato" and inquired about him. His foster mom asked if she could bring him to my home for me to meet him and get acquainted. Simon aka Plato from that day forward was home. A few weeks later Simon and I adopted and brought Brie, aka Sabrina home. Simon while still very much a puppy, is completely house trained, is no longer crated, loves rides in the car, his toys, and most of all "his" Brie. They are inseparable. Simon who is deaf and has some sight issues has learned hand commands, and every window in the house is his window to the world. He loves his walks with Brie, and loves life. Brie is absolutely perfect, completely trained from obviously from whatever past life she had, loving, and extremely protective of Simon, her home, quite the watchdog, and with Simon in tow, at every door or window when anyone approaches. She is a most loving dog, as is Simon. They came home the minute I saw them.

It has been 3 years now since we adopted Tai, and she is such an integral part of our family. She has done so well, even has her own motorhome so she can go on vacation with us and not be boarded. I can't imagine life without her, she is our baby. Thank you for bringing us together. Sincerely, Jan M

Coco & Jasmine chilling! Here's one that will shock you... Pei in water... voluntarily!!! Lisa

Hello Barb, not sure if you remember Albert, but thought I would give you an update. Mason and I adopted him in November and he has adapted well to the family.
He has attached himself to me and follows and protects me constantly. He also is extremely protective of our 4 year old son. He has even put his mouth (no biting)
around the arm of someone that he thought was hurting our son. They were just playing rough, but Albert wanted to let them know he was watching. He is trained very well.
He always comes when we call him and he never strays far from us. He didn't like the dog door at 1st, but he has learned it well. He accepts his bath well and jumps
in the tub when I tell him it's bath time. He sleeps on a dog bed in our room and snores all night. He Loves to play more than any dog we have ever had.
He pulls every toy out of the basket some days and there are lots of toys. He has helped our aging golden retriever become more active.
He runs around in circles, chases and wrestles with her. Sometimes she lays down and he still runs around like a pup and then barks at her to get her going again.
He nudges her like an annoying sibling to get her to play.
He purrs like a kitty when we pet him and he loves to be pet. He loves his ears and belly, and really any part of his body pet. He has a few habits that we are working on.
He doesn't like when we have guests that are men. He tends to bark and doesn't relax when they are at the house. He also LOVES food. He has a hard time laying down during
our dinner time, but has improved greatly. He also pretends he doesn't know how to get on the sofa when we are home, but there is lots of Albert hair on the sofa when we
get home from work.
Albert seems really happy at out home and he is a great match for our family. If you still keep in touch with his original owner you can tell her that he is very loved and
very happy with his new family. The picture I attached was when we were playing kick ball and he was waiting to chase the ball. Take care, Penny |
Here are some pictures of Rugby in his new home. In one he took over my fiance side of the bed. In the other he jumped on my oldest daughters bed and pushed her
until she scratched his belly. Love, love him! He's a wonderful addition to our family. Joy

It's Darcy!! I am so thankful you rescued Darcy. She is an amazing dog. Every where we go people comment on how friendly she is. She is just an incredible family member. Amy |
We wanted to give you an update on Reina. She has been doing so well and really adjusting to the new neighborhood. She loves going for walks and watching all the wildlife. Oh and how can I forget, she still loves meeting other dogs and playing in the dog park. We got her a new bed, which she wasn't sure about it at first, but now she loves it. We took her to the cold state of New Jersey over the holidays and she was very confused about the snow the first time she saw it. After the first snow fall all she wanted to do was go outside and run around in it. Our family and friends were so happy they got a chance to meet Reina! Reina's first Christmas with us was such a wonderful experience. She must have received the most presents out of everyone. She even got a dog-bone shaped pillow with her name on it! She is spoiled and we love it. You all have been so wonderful with us and we could not thank you enough for helping us find the newest addition to our family. Thank you for all that you do and giving these beautiful Peis a second chance at happiness. Thank you! Gina

We pulled Toby from a shelter in St Johns County. This silly fellow danced into our lives and made his way to his Daddy's lap and he never left. Toby adopted us long before we adopted him. This wonderful little guy has been such a blessing. He taught his big brother how to play. Buddy, also adopted from FSPR, came into rescue as a starved, abused two year old. Buddy didn't know how to be a dog or how to play. Toby set about teaching Buddy how to really enjoy life. Ruffles his big sister was so delighted to finally have a rough and tumble wrestling partner. Ruffles loves her baby. She plays with him, cleans him and keeps in him line. Our house is too small for three dogs, but our hearts were not. Thank you Florida Shar Pei Rescue for blessing us with three of the most wonderful Pei a family could ever ask for. |
Just an update on our new family member! Eisa (aka Vixen). Thanks to Sue & Dave for bringing her to us. Our doggy daughter joined us just 3 weeks ago.
As you can see in the first picture, we are still waiting for her to relax and feel at home! What a beautiful girl! We love her so much. She knows she is home fur-ever!
She has already gifted us with 3 rats and a 4 foot snake! What more could new parents ask? She has rid our back yard of most all or our lizards too. (Even though we tell her we are a lizard friendly home.) Eisa has brought new energy into our lives. Thanks to Eisa for healing our broken hearts after losing our precious doggy daughter of 12 years, our Asia.
There is no greater gift than unconditional love. There is no greater grief than the loss of that love.
And the only humans that will ever know that, is a human willing to love an animal! Thank you FSPR for rescuing us! Vince & Mary |
For the second time FSPR has blessed our family with a wonderful Pei.
Brutus/Buddy started out as our foster but quickly wiggled his way into our hearts. We renamed this sweet, gentle fellow Buddy. Without this rescue and the many people that support FSPR our sweet Buddy would not be here today.
Thank You, Florida Shar Pei Rescue for trusting us to foster him and then blessing us with his adoption. Geri |
Just wanted to share a pic I just took of Winona enjoying the sun.
Look at what a pretty, young lady she has become! :) Marti |
Hello, My family adopted Olive in the fall of 2010 and I just wanted you all to see how happy she is. I put her picture on Facebook, but wanted to make sure I emailed it so maybe her past fosters
could see it.
Olive loves KY, and loves her canine and feline companions. Olive is also great with puppies that we foster for the animal shelter I work at.
Hope all the peis you have in rescue are doing well. Sincerely, Kayla |
Jackie, we're sending these pics of Maizey's first airplane flight. She slept most of the way like it was nothing. We Love her and she's definitely an important part of our family. Thanks again for all your help. Hope you're having a great weekend. Chuck & Rhonda

Hi Barb: It has been 5 years since you all helped us find Sooli. Wanted you to know that she's doing great and has finally come to terms with sharing her home with cats. She's a happy dog – and we love having her as part of our family. Here's a photo we took of her celebrating Fat Tuesday this year. Also, I sent along a donation for Jake in Sooli's name. I hope he and Jade make it to a home where they are loved and spoiled as much as Sooli. Deb and Marian
Barb, I want to send a donation as Marian and I approach the two-year anniversary of adopting Sooli, the little stray shar-pei from Decatur that you helped us find. She is a doll, but we think she might be part bat. She naps during the day and is ready for action when the rest of the house is shutting down for the night! After two years with this little clown, we're still absolutely crazy about her. Here is the latest photo of our little beauty. Deb...
Wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. Our best wishes for a year filled with lots of happy endings for the Shar-Peis that find their way to FSPR.
I've attached a photo of Sooli from this Christmas. Barb, you saw those first pictures of her when she turned up in Atlanta. Can you believe what a little beauty she's turned into? I'm keeping you guys on my "preferred charity" list and will continue to send donations to help underwrite the cost of your good work throughout 2008.
Fondly ... Deb, Marian, and Sooli
Hello Barbara, Just wanted to let you know on Mothers Day back in 05/11/08, I recieved the most beautiful gift to our family, her name is Roxie, (which she gained afew more names since then... "Roxie Lick-a-Lot" or "Run Away Roxie" ( which she only hears that name once in a blue moon) all good, she comes home when she had enough with her squirrel hunting. Thanks for everything with Shar-Pei Rescue, life with her has been so wonderful with great love to all my family. Sara, Duluth Mn. Ps... Roxie loves her snow in winter just like my grandchildren.
A quick message from Sara & Roxie in Duluth, MN. Hello, I just wanted to pop in with a few pictures of Roxie, she is a love of our family.

Here's a picture we took today of Cookie. Perhaps they could be included in Happy Endings. She had a bath and continues to acclimate herself to us. If I've not said it before, so far she has equaled or exceeded our expectations. We had Cookie to the Vet and he loved her also. He explained all the paper work and found her up to date on everything. She is in good health. She becomes more integral to us every day. This is our third sharpei and by far the nicest one in terms of socialization, and also physical characteristics. We and overjoyed with her. She Makes our day. Peter and Sue.
Hi, it is almost 4 months since Li Mei has made her home with me. She is amazing and goes to work with me everyday at Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine. She has a bed in my office with lots of toys and she has socialized well, her tail is high in the air now. We are working on commands and she walks well on a leash, sits and lays down on command and we are working on stay. She is so loveable and she has taught me lessons about my own energy, as she picks that up very quickly. She loves my daughter and son in-laws pugs (also rescued) and my son's boxer. She is good about baths but getting her nails cut is a chore.
I want to say thank you to foster Mom Amber, you did a terrific job with her and she is so loved. Kathy |
Just Wanted to drop you a line. Our little couch potato is still quite happy as if you can't tell. She and Zen are best of friends and race all over the yard. Hard to believe how fast she is considering her size. We kept the name Peaches at the assistance of our son, however much thought we could have named her Heidi or Dottie. I refer to her as my little speckled butter bean. Hope all is going well with the rescue. Melissa
Here is Sean's best furry friend. Zen sleeps with Sean every night and is the first to jump into the middle of a pillow fight. He loves to play football or fetch in general. He loves to play with Peaches and race her out the door to see who can chase the neighbors cat out of the yard first.
He was in seventh heaven when we had 5 other children come over to play. He just loves kids. It is such a blessing to have a full house. He's even lost all his puppy fur. I did have to laugh when Ron told me that he felt Shar Pei's could survive in the wild. Now can you imagine a wild pack of Shar Pei's or Pomeranians? Seriously not all breeds are meant to roam. We nicknamed the poor thing
Ohlauff. Melissa |
Hello FSPR, here are some pictures of Pooh Bear and the family. Sorry it took us so long to send them to you, we misplaced our camara. Luis
Hi all, I wanted to give you update on Jasmine a.k.a. Jazzy. I adopted her in July of 2010 because I wanted to help give a deserving dog a forever home and add to my growing Shar Pei family. Jazzy came home to me and her younger brother Tank (also a Shar Pei). They love to sleep, play, hunt lizards, chase squirrels, go on walks, and go crazy at the dog park. They are truly the loves of my life and I hope to be able to adopt again in the future. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love Jazzy and thank you for all that you do. Melissa
What a bundle of joy he is!! He made the trip from Ft. Lauderdale to Indiana, thanks to Barb, Amy and my dear neighbors Dave & Mindy. What a group effort in getting this little guy to his furever home! Our little Ms. Edy (former FSPR Rescue) just loves Samsun! As you can see by this picture, they are already the best of friends! Thank you again FSPR for all you do for these beautiful pei babies! |
I am Shadow's new mommy. I just wanted to thank you for given me the opportunity to be able to adopt Shadow. He has been a blessing for me to be able to open my heart again. The work that you all do for the Pei's is outstanding I want to say thank you. Linda
Wanted to give you an update on the wild child! She is awesome!!! She has calmed down quite a bit, but still pretty much rules the house. She has been on a few car rides since coming to Panama City and she does better and better each time. She loves the park. She has gotten loose a few times darting out of the house when new people show up and don't know any better but she kind of prances around the neighborhood and then when she realizes I am bored and start walking to the house like I am ignoring her she comes right back. She is a FATTTTYY!!! I noticed that after she inhales her food she goes straight to Rocco's and has been stealing his so I have to watch and make sure Rocco gets enough food. People at Petsmart love her, I took her and Rocco to Friday Fest here in PC and people loved her there. They were both the center of all the attention and she did well with everyone that came up to her. She has no anxiety issues, I can close doors in the house and she might snort here and there but no pawing and no whining. I have even put the door stop on the doggie door for about ten minutes to see if she would freak out and nothing. Her only issue now are baths..... OHHHHHH that was an experience.
Hope all is well,
Driving Charmin home all the way from Gulf Breeze was as nerve-racking for me as it was for her. She stayed in the passenger seat for about 20 minutes and then quickly made my lap her new chair. For the first few weeks Charmin was a tornado running through the house grabbing every toy she could get a hold of and leaving them around the house. Her favorite thing to do was tease me and go after my flip flops while I chased her around the house to get them out of her jaws!!! But her biggest bad habit by far was scratching at the door, so much so that she has striped the wood siding and the rubber lining. After working with her for a couple weeks she got better but would still get very worked up about being in the back yard and not being able to come in the second she wanted to. She was also a terror when it came to cleaning her ears, she wanted nothing to do with my fingers anywhere near her ears which was another area I was going to have to work with her in.
Her and Rocco get along perfectly, she will chase him and bite at his butt to get his attention and to shut her up he grabs her wrinkles and drags her across the room, and then they chase each other back and forth for about 10 minutes until someone gives up. She has slept on the bed every night since coming home and now she will even cuddle on the pillow or put her head on my arm. I am happy to report that it is now very easy to clean her ears and she often will sit in my lap at night and let me massage her ears before bed. She has not scratched at the door for about a week now, as she has realized that throwing a fit will not get her in the house and staying calm is a quickest ticket in. Her new favorite activity is dragging toilette paper across the house or just taking a hole chunk out of it. And she still teases me with my flip flops. She has enough energy for three dogs and enough personality to fit the Grand Canyon and I think I can speak for Rocco (and myself of course) when I say she is exactly what we needed in our lives right when we needed it.
Just wanted to give a quick update on First Lady Vivian De PupPup of Concourse Esquire the Third (also known as Vivi lol). She is doing wonderful here with lots of love, treats, walks, and pets. She has figured out her routine but still has issues with grass and one of the neighbor dogs. She will fight going onto grass tooth and nail and prefers the sidewalk and can’t figure out why but we are working on that. Also rather frequently she will start growling and barking at 2 AM to warn us about a pug/bull mix that is wandering outside, I keep telling her he is ok but she still growls and barks, always protecting her peoples. She is a bit picky about food and has stopped eating anything except the food I got from the foster (thanks again Brandy) even with yogurt mixed in so I find myself driving to Sebring just for her food, silly spoiled puppy.
She met the other members of her canine family a couple weeks ago, took her to my parents who have 3 dogs and she was perfectly well behaved the entire time and the family loves her. She has a WONDERFUL new home here in Lake Wales and we are happier than a puppy with a treat ball to have her. The pic below is her new bed, handmade by her mommy Brooke out of Tampa bay bucs fleece material and 2 inch upholstery foam. She sleeps on it every night (though she starts the night at the foot of my bed) and she absolutely loves it. Sorry the pic is a bit blurry, she's a little camera shy she was just enjoying the bed too much to get up and run away lol. Well that’s about all there is to share about lady Vivi so more to come when I have it. Thanks again FSPR for helping us find each other and for helping so many other families and puppies find the companions and homes they need. Thanks! Mitch
I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for bringing these two cuties into our lives.
We took them to the vet for a look see and introduction. Zen's eyes look good. Peaches is such a funny girl. She's my couch potato. Melissa
I know you remember her and her puppies. She is happy, not too fat, and plays all day with an 8 month old male shar pei pup. She is a homebody, will walk about but only if you convince her. Likes to be at home as if her pups were here, takes no crap from the boy, amazing family. Ai Li is walking through the fire. Hears nothing. Rests her chin on Bob's lap when he is computering, her eyes shut and just calm and happy to be here. I think she is really old but give here the benefit of the doubt in case I am wrong. Boy Pup tries her on but she lets him know and it ends ok.
Happy here, Ginger, Ai Li, and the boy. He is special. We all think our kids are, but he is 8 months and has walked and talked with hundreds of folks and kids with poise and kindness. He knows 9 commands and likes to do them. he has been a wonderful ambassador tor the breed. Hard to believe how many folk think I AM STUPID and HE IS DANGEROUS, until they fall in love and want to hug him, and like, and respect, and all the other things a dog helps a man to see outside the "side". |
Sam is doing good! She is our chipmunk watcher and loves to be outdoors unlike Buck, who likes to lounge indoors.
Her recent eye surgery doesn't seem to slow her down at all and her personality is just soooo sweet. We had people over for dinner last night and although, there could be improvement in her manners, I am just so thankful that she loves everyone and is so friendly. I will eventually work on the manners, but she has been through so much, I wanted to give her a break. I can't tell you how wonderful she is and Richard and I are just in love with her. Yes, Richard, too:) She is on our lap at night watching TV until she gets too hot lying on us. Samantha is a true joy! Take care. - Joan
Hello Ladies! Pancho here... I just wanted to let you know how great I am doing! My mom said I weighed 39.2 lbs today at the Doctor so I have gained almost 7 lbs
since moving with my furever family! I am so happy now and feel GREAT! I get these fluid things every week, but I like it. My mom gives me 3 meals a day- and she cooks for me too.
She also gives me cookies through the day and when I go to bed. I especially like those hot dog thingys. And my brothers and sister are fun to live with, we play and take naps together.
I even sleep with everyone at night. I LOVE my back yard and like to chase the neighbor's dogs up and down the yard. I just wanted to thank you for letting my new mom and dad adopt me.
I have a MUCH better life now. Love, Pancho
Suger Bear and JayJay love to sleep in the king size bed! They need the rest because they love to run laps all through the house. They have really bonded well and we are thrilled to have them. Both of them love to give kisses and both love hugs and kisses! JJ is doing great!
My little Tao girl is doing so wonderful!! She has gained 4lbs, had her teeth cleaned, her eyes (redone), eating like a piggy, and oh so very loving. She knows tricks, tells you when she has to go out, and just wants to be loved, loved, loved which works really well with me :) We have some dogs staying with us and she just fits right in and wants to play with them. She played with one puppy all weekend long. She wanted to play with my lab and while they can be together, he has no interest in playing.
And Garrett... oh my goodness is he smitten. He takes her to work sometimes, insists she has to sleep on his side of the bed and the other night... She fell asleep on my chest on the couch and Garrett was ready to go to bed. I told him the only way he could move her is if he carried her to bed. Not only did he carry her to bed... he soothed her back to sleep. I have never seen him like this... it is quite a joy to watch :) Thanks for checking in. Terri
Bella & Barney – both FSPR adopted peis: I just wanted to send some recent pics of Barney. He and Bella are our loves!!
Well we discovered that Travis likes fishing. He doesn't like "catch and release" though, he prefers "catch and EAT". haha Sean
Wanted to update you on Jazmyn. She is doing great. She has been on a diet since coming to MS and has lost around 5 pounds. Mark cleaned her teeth and removed her moles yesterday. Everything went fine and didn't seem to bother her at all. She has been increased to 2 thyroid tablets a day so her energy level has incresed a little. With all the nice weather lately I thought that she would enjoy being outside more. She does as long as we are outside with her. She does love to be with people. That is ok. We like it that way too. Today she went to the park for a birthday picnic for my 2 year old neice. Had a great time but is very tired tonight. Will probably sleep well tonight. Lying at my feet snoring right now. Just know that we have fallen in love and think that she has also. Will kept in touch. Darlene
Hi Barb: This is an up date on Chi Chi. She is now 5 years old and we have had her for 4 years. She is such a spoiled girl and is the center of our lives. She still comes up with something new all the time. We have started to take her to the beach and for a dog who hates bathes she now makes a flying belly flop and will lay in the water at the beach and watch whatever is swimming around her. She is turning out to be quite a northern dog in the summer. Outside at sunrise and in when the sun starts to set. Still afraid of the dark and loves it up there as we do not have as many nor really fierce thunderstorms. Medically she is doing great. We will go for check up in May at Angel in Boston. Again thank you and Leigh for finding her for us. Irene
February 2010 Updates
Barb: this is a up date picture of Chi Chi. She is patiently waiting for her golf cart ride. She has been doing so
well medically.. She has been entered into a dog show next month. Loves the dog park and will sulk when we are unable to take her.
Because she is so friendly everyone and all the dogs know her. She has been such a joy to us and basically our lives are centered around
her. She has turned out to be an outside girl. Up north she is out from sunrise to sunset. She has play dates up there in the summer as
there are no dog parks nearby. Thanks to you and Leigh for finding such a delightful girl. Irene
Hi Barb: Just an update on Chi Chi. She is such a delight. She
has turned into a lap dog (all 46 lbs of her) and a bed mate.
She wants body contact. She has a friend (Standard Air dale)
who is teaching her it is alright to walk in the dark. They play
together while walking but she is never far from him. His owner
I guess has been ill as we have not seem them for two weeks and
she sits and waits for him on the corner. She is scared to death
of the dark and thunderstorms. Finally she is able to ride in
the car without getting sick. Even as sick as she used to get
she would sit by the car or near the utility door to go out to
the car. Every afternoon we go for a golf cart ride at 3:30 and
if I am running late she will sit at the door.
When I took her to the vet, he said he has never seen such
a relaxed, friendly Shar Pei. Did find out she was a food thief, but
can understand this. I had made a chiffon cake and had it on a rack
cooling. When I went back to the kitchen she was the funniest sight
you every saw. Looked like a child who just had its first birthday
cake. Fortunately she had just gotten into it so did not get sick.
She is invited into homes and loves all the attention. I am happy to
see that Flower and Lola have been adopted. Thank you for finding us
a truly wonderful girl. Irene |
Tonka has been with us for over 2 weeks now, and it is like he has been part of the family for a long time. He has adjusted to me and my son so well - I am so pleased and happy! He rides with us in the car every morning to drop Dylan off at school, and then we go on a walk, which he loves! I have discovered he likes to chase squirrels. He sleeps most of the day while I work in my home office. He found an old comforter I have folded up on the floor in my office, and has taken that over as his daytime bed so he can be in the same room as I am. When Dylan comes home, Tonka is ready to play!! He cracks us up with his expressions and antics! I don't know if I have ever heard Dylan laugh so hard! :-)
Tonka has won our hearts already and we are looking forward to enjoying a wonderful Christmas and many years with him!! I am pretty sure Santa will leave some special treats and new toys for him! My thanks to this organization and its volunteers - it is very apparent how much you all care about every dog that you save. I love all of the happy endings and am so happy to be part of Tonka Bean's story! :-) Karri, Dylan & Tonka
Bella (former FSPR rescue Mali) getting ready for the ride from Key West to Tampa. Her mom is handling a family emergency and needed her “kids” with her for support.
Here's what she had to say... We took this photo in the car this morning. She is very happy to be in the car. She looks great doesn't she??? Candy |
Our babies are doing great. My husband is having a blast with Lilly. She goes everywhere with him. Still agressive towards other dogs but no problem with ducks, frogs or anything else. (Doesn't like cats at all)
This picture shows Lilly keeping an eye on the two ducklings we rescued from the neighborhood drainage. Rose |
Just thought I'd give you guys an update on Wonton, who we adopted two years ago, and his little brother Snuffy, who we adopted through our vet a year ago. Wonton and Snuffy are happy and healthy. Patrick and I never imagined that when we got a dog it would be a shar pei but our handsome boys found us and we haven't been the same since. I hope everyone can find some space in their lives for a pei!
WonTon is doing wonderfully! He is a real joy to have around. Today he went to the vet and everyone said he was so well behaved and handsome. He enjoys sitting on his new bed and chewing on his toys, sitting with his new daddy and playing video games, and sleeping in the bed with his new mommy (when daddy isn't home!) He especially liked to nap on the couch and watch TV in his favorite chair. We are so happy with him! Sarah |
Hi Pat, Michael and I want to thank you and Barb for all you did to bring Izzy into our home! Our understanding is little Izzy fell victim of the bad economy up here in Atlanta. Apparently, the people who originally had her abandoned their house and left poor Izzy to fend for herself. Thankfully, a neighbor noticed Izzy was left behind and stepped in to help. She took Izzy into her home and contacted FSPR hoping to get Izzy into the rescue. Because Pat knew we were hoping to adopt another Pei, she contacted us to see if we’d be interested in fostering this little abandoned Pei. Naturally, we agreed to meet this Pei girl and try fostering.
Well, needless to say, once I laid eyes on this obviously scared, sweet little bug eyed Pei baby, I knew she had found her forever home with us! Miss Izzy has been a part of our family for almost two months and has made herself very much at home. Our other Pei, Wallee, is still getting used to having a little sister with way more energy than he is used to. At times he seems totally annoyed with her, but all in all, we know he is happy to have another Pei buddy to keep him company.
Again, thank you so much for the amazing heartfelt work you all do saving Pei babies!!! We wouldn’t have our two amazing fur-kids without FSRP!!!! Lovingly, Michael, Victoria, Wallee and Izzy
Hi Pat, just wanted to give you and update on "Jerzey"!! He is doing very well. He and Bella love to lay out in the sun together, but when it is too hot out they love laying next to each other in the AC. He has gained a few pounds over the past couple of months since we adopted him. He loves playing with Hunter. Here are the pictures I promised you!!! Amanda, Lenny, Hunter, Bella, and Jerzey
Bear is doing very well especially considering he's only been with us for a couple of weeks! He's still shy and stand offish but will engage every so often. The exception is Heath who he is very attached to! He is showing more interest in Max and Oliver and has even played tug of war with Max! You are welcome to stop by and visit and say hello. Just let me know when you want to come over. Vicky
Rusty was saved by some great people in South Carolina. They applied to us for a Pei and we did not have an available male at the moment. We saw this boy in a kill shelter in the same state they lived in. The shelter had him listed as a mix but we could see he was a big headed flower Pei and told them to go check him out. They were in there car and drove across the state and brought him "home"! The rest is history... another pei saved (in SC).
Here's what Rusty's new mom had to say about him...
Pat, here are the photo's of Rusty I promised you. Rusty is so sweet and now likes being loved on. I don't know what he may have been through before we adopted him but you can tell it is a different life with us. When we picked him up, his backbone was sticking up and wrinkles were only on his face. Now when he sits down they gather around his lower back and rump area, and his backbone is no longer seen. He also now has wrinkles in the shoulder.
He didn't know what to do with a treat when we first gave him one. He learned after about 3 days how to use the pet door without being scared, however we still have the flap tacked up because he doesn't care for it but we are making progress. He loves to play with our other Pei Molli, and will stand and bark at her if she doesn't start as soon as he is ready. When he does this he puts his nose in the air like a snob and barks (Soooo funny to see). There is a photo of this taking place enclosed. He saw his reflection in the window one evening before the curtains were closed and started barking at himself. Snores all the time his eyes are shut.
Sometimes his jaws and lips flap as he is exhaling (another funny sight to see). He has become our little clown, and has brought such joy after so much hurt from losing our dear Harley. He has also proven to be very smart, in 3 days he learned to come, sit, and lay down. Now it is almost like he can read our mind, because he is already starting to do what we are asking before it gets out of our mouths good.
Thank You again for sending us the information on him. His time was running out I'm sure because he had been there 2 weeks and no one had bothered to look at him. Rusty and Molli say Thank You too. Post him if you like as a Flowered Pei to inform others that they are not a mix. We have had a pei for over 14 years and did not know anything about them.
Thank you again, Lynn
Pic of Ping giving Pong kisses!!! These kind of pics make my heart smile!!!
Hi Pat, just wanted to give you an update, we have really settled in and have gotten over our growing pains and everything with the Boys has settled down. I thought I would share a couple of photos with you guys. I figured out that they hate our wood floors so I placed an old bathroom rug in front of the fireplace for now until we can get a softer one, but they seem to like it. We wish you guys a Merry Holidays! Leslie, Ping and Pong
Just wanted to update everyone on Cali aka Dolce. She is doing well, although she is quite the sneaky one, and loves to eat. When her brother's back is turned she enjoys his leftovers. She is doing well and looks great. Rotten to the core, but we just love her and her crazy ways. Thanks again. April & Buddy
Just wanted to send you some pictures of our girl with her big brother and daddy. She loves Buddy to pieces. She has done well this week. I mean she has been perfect so far, drool and all. Koby and her are getting along great and he loves having a walking partner. She has adapted well and feel like she has been here forever. Thanks so much for allowing us to give her a home. We will keep in touch and be sending more pictures in the future. April
Hi Pat, I love it here in the Keys, Rascal does too. I love that it is so dog friendly, you can take your dog to many outside cafes & restaraunts, even the Home Depot! Rascal is very well behaved. He's a very good boy. I moved to Key West this past August into a duplex on the water. Rascal has a back yard where he loves to sun himself. Attached are some updated photos of my handsome boy. Appreciate your love & concern for the abandoned & neglected Shar Pei's out there. Candy
Hello Sue! Rascal is now 2 yrs old and loving meeting all of the neighborhood dogs. Where I live here in the Keys we have to walk our dogs on the same road, so he gets to meet a lot of dogs. He now has a girlfriend named Abby, she loves him because he is the closest to her age and her energy. I have attached a couple of pics of Rascal that were taken recently. He is a great little boy to me and he gets a ton of attention and love because he is SO cute!!! I just wanted you to know that we are still doing well, and now living in Paradise. Hope all is well with you and your Pei Family. Candy

Dear Barb and Ron, Cocoa sends her love and thanks for everything... So far this is truly an amazing baby. Her previous owner was crazy for giving her up, she has been so impressive so far and the most loving dog we have ever seen. She bonded with us from the start, doesn't want Joann to read the newspaper because she wants to be stroked and scratched. She gets right up against Joann on the sofa and is just so content, and she treats me the same way when I am over there.
She is so smart... shyness is not in her, she follows us everywhere and so enjoys her walks down the street or on our lots. Her sleeping quarters are in our bedroom in her crate. When we go to bed she will whine a little and then go get in her crate. That is all you hear from her until the next morning, no barking or getting up in the night. Since she had an accident in the house the first night, nothing again... If you don't take her out when she is ready she will gently let you know. When I am watching TV and get up and get my coat she follows me to the elevator. Still pulls on the leash but will get better. She is learning and her new toys are a delight to her.
We got her a new matching ensemble, pink leash, collar, and harness in pink with a black background and bone imprints. A new pad for the great room which she enjoys and also a big round deep soft bed she gets on with her toys. She has a new pad for her crate covered with a flannel sheet. Joann and I call it the Cocoa Cabana. We got her an elevated food and water bowl. She is still very food oriented and just gets so excited while you are preparing it. I have tried her alone in the house a couple of times for a two hour period, so far she whines for about ten seconds then lies down and gets quiet, and has bothered nothing.
She took to us right away and now is the house princess... What a fine animal, and she is so loving. I don't think we could have gotten a better dog. Hopefully I will send some pictures soon. Thanks again,
Joann and Joe
Pat, Stanley is doing great! I have attached a recent photo of him... he is just the sweetest boy ever!
Glad to hear Ebbon’s surgery went well. Poor little thing... my heart goes out to her and a donation is on the way. Michelle
Hi Barb, just writing you for a ”Stan the Man” update! He continues to flourish – trusting me more; to the point of where I can actually clean his ears now without him getting freaked out. He LOVES to take a walk, and we do as much of that as we can! He’s getting big – 40 lbs – I promise I am not over-feeding him; he is just filling out! He continues to thrill and amaze me... although I can’t say I am too thrilled about him waking me up at 4 a.m to go for a walk... but he’s so cute the way he does it! Jumps on the bed and nudges me with his head and then licks me... if I don’t get up for that, he just sits there and stares at me – too cute... needless to say... I get up early every day!
He has a puppy friend... a little golden Retriever that he likes to hang out with, and he is fine with dogs we meet when walking. Hope you are both doing well and lots of Sharpei’s are finding forever homes! Thanks for all you do for these wonderful dogs! Take care, and keep up your good work! Michelle
Hi Barb, I just wanted to let you know that Stanley is doing great and continues to amaze me by how smart he is! We have been taking lots of walks and he is doing great on the leash – in fact, he knows now if I say “easy” that he needs to heel up, he figured that out right away with no pulling on the leash or anything.
He got a bath last Saturday but he wasn’t real thrilled about it, and I’ve discovered that he doesn’t like getting his ears cleaned very much either, but oh well! The cats are getting more used to him and he to them, so that is going good too. He is still scratching a lot, so I am taking him to see Dr. Samko this Friday morning to see what we can do about this. Other than that, everything with him is real good!
I am attaching a picture that I took of him right after his bath…he’s hard to get a good picture of because he is always on the go. Anyway, just wanted to let you know everything is real good with Stan the Man and he is a happy dog! Thanks for everything and I will keep in touch and let you know how he is doing! Michelle |
Hi Barb, just wanted to send you a few pics of our boy Hercules. He is relaxing in all of them as he is a much more relaxed boy now. Here he is on his bed and also on his latest discovery, our loveseat.
For the longest time he showed no interest in getting up on our furniture, but slowly he began to realize it was OK and that he wouldn't be punished. He would only get on the sofa if one of us wasn't home so we put a sheet (to catch the hair) over our loveseat, and now he believes that the loveseat is HIS sofa. He is doing better with his fear of people, and we are taking him for a visit through Petsmart every weekend to work on that. Thank you for our sweet pei boy!

What a difference a day makes. Now we are starting to really see what a great little guy Hercules is! He was so tired from all his adventures yesterday that when we got home, he ate and then fell asleep in the living room on the rug. We took him into the bedroom with us and went to sleep. Doug woke up early this morning and so did Hercules, although he was pretty willing to continue lying there for us. When Doug got up though, he jumped up, tail wagging, ready to go outside. His tail has been up and wagging all morning, whether with Doug or me. He loves it now when I rub his head right up between his eyes. He is eating just fine and is VERY well behaved. He is still a little more hesitant with Doug than me, but I think that will work itself out. He LOVES sitting in front of the front window and keeping watch on the yard. Thank you for our sweet boy! Blessings, Sheryl

Hi Sue, here's the picture we had taken of Lilly at the AKC event in Clearwater. She's doing great and is now tipping the scales at 31 pounds! We have had to deal with some allergy issues, but she is a Shar Pei after all! She is hysterical... the vets now thinks she may be only a little more than a year old. Happy October. The Costello's
Hi Sue, Miss Lilly is doing just fine. She's adjusting extremely well to her new surroundings, including her brother Ace, who has become very protective of her. He has her using the dog door nonstop now and goes out with her when she has to do her business! It's so funny to watch because she doesn't seem to care about anyone but me and of course, the feeling is mutual. She also has Harry wrapped around her little paw, too!
Turns out she is quite the drama queen. She's getting daily exercise with walks on the leash. She doesn't seem to have been on a leash that much, though. She does know all the basic commands including heel. Lilly has also met several new canine friends in our neighborhood on her walks.
Her vet report was fine, although he estimates her age around 2.5 years. She's very sweet and was loved up by everyone at the vet's office yesterday. She's formally registered with the microchip company and is officially a dog resident of Hillsborough County!
Thank you and all the volunteers who helped save Lilly. We are very pleased and will forever be grateful. The Costello's |
Hello Sue and everyone at Florida Shar Pei Rescue, it's me Kyle. I just want to let you how happy I am with my new parents. They tell me I'm such a good boy and everyone loves me. My mom said I'm a ladies man because all the ladies want me. We found out I'm not a cat friendly dog, I chase one of my grandmas cats, so now when I go over they have to put the cats in a different room, but I know where they're at and I get yelled at for watching the door hehehe!!!! Here are some recent pictures of me.
Thank you for finding me a great home, love Kyle, Jason & Jessica.
Hi Barb, just wanted to check in to let you know Summer is doing great. I have attached some new pics of her and her step-sister "lounging around"... imagine a pei doing that!!! I am glad to see Hope has been rescued. When I saw that original post about her I was so angry that she was left out in the cold like that. I wish I had more room so I could adopt her too!!! Hope you and Ron are doing well and when in Gainesville next I will call ahead to see if you are going to be around so I can stop to say hello! Shaun
Hi Barb and Ron, Summer is doing fine. She likes to sleep in my bed at night and sit between my legs when I am working on the computer or watching TV. I have attached a pic of her and Mimi on their "lounge" chair. How are you doing? Thanks for contacting us to see how we are doing! Shaun
Hello Brandy and Sue, I had hoped to have some pictures of Brutus to you for Christmas but alas... I did, at least, want to touch base to let you know that he is doing just great. He seems to be gaining confidence that, just perhaps, we might not be temporary after all. Finally willing to come in from the yard when called, he seems to actually be happy about the idea. (liva snaps help)
My brother in law and his 13 year old daughter came down from GA for X-mas. My niece fell completely in love with Brutus. He got lots of loving from both girls for a solid week, and ate it all right up! It was also the first official time that we are sleeping upstairs in the new bedrooms. He loves that too, and sleeps in our daughter's room as he has every night since he came to us (comfy dog bed helps).
Dear old Blue remains 'Nurse Ratchet' to his 'happy go lucky' approach to life. If he gets too excited when she's around, she has to 'intervene' and tell him to 'tone it down a bit'. He hates it and avoids, but tolerates her. It is very clear to me that he understands that she is a very old lady (10yrs. now) and is therefore very gentlemanly about the whole thing. Although she is still lively as a little springbok, he also knows that; ultimately, he can easily outrun her.
Blue seems to have no idea how old she is. I think it has something to do with her life having not really begun until we got her at age 4. I can see the cataracts starting to appear in her eyes and it reminds me of the only sadness to caring for animals all of their lives.... sorry, didn't mean to get melancholic there.
Just wanted to let you know that he is great and we love him even more every day. While part of me senses that his mind continues to wonder 'where next', and that he will always be a very independent spirit, I think he is starting to really love us back, and trust that we might just be a permanent arrangement. Thank you. It made for an extra Merry Christmas. Hope your Holidays have been peaceful ones too. Fond Regards Always, Ava |
Lou, Thank you for the Christmas wish. Thought you might enjoy seeing pictures of your former foster dog, KoKo. She has finally decided that this is her forever home and she is thriving. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas. Ernie, Lynn & KoKo
We just wanted to let you know that Squirt "a.k.a. Jerzey" is doing wonderful. My Bella loves him and they follow each other everywhere. He is a great addition to our family and we are so happy that we were able to help him!! It was a great Christmas present. A special thank you to Pat for making this happen so fast. We love "Jerzey" so much!!! |
Wesley seems to get more golden and less creamy colored each day. And he loves to have company-human or canine! He is truly food-driven but is not interested in tricks-just the treats, please. He loves his stuffed animals with squeakers! He knows Gytha is the alpha but does not hesitate to let her know when she has bad manners. He is a great alarm dog and keeps an eye on the neighborhood. But he still refuses to use the dog door - why should he when he has me to open the door? Sharon, Gytha, Wesley |
Happy Holidays From Bella and Raisin, and of course the rest of us. Best wishes for a great holiday. Laura & kids
Just a note to say hello and let you see Raisin's 1st birthday party. She is about 38 pounds and a wild child that will make you laugh all day. Hope you are doing well. Laura
The day was outstanding. Both Gus-Gus and Lucy played all day, lounged all day, if one gets attention the other comes for his or hers. Voodoo continued to say “leave me alone” which Gus-Gus would do after a big hiss. And as “Gus-Gus” was a foster name, Sydney decided that “Charlie” is an appropriate name that works for the Asian dog theme “Lucy Loo & Charlie Chan or simply Charlie Brown and Lucy. Charlie did let us know that he currently does not like his crate as a safe haven but we are sure that he will eventually come around. If not then he owes me some money!!! Loves his high dollar Nutra Lamb & Rice and her new dog bowls. Also loves to wash the kitchen floors for us after he drinks. Actually just enjoys putting down the water so that we can mop the floor!!!
If I didn’t know better I would think that he had been with us forever. The greatest thing is the simple fact that Charlie now gets Lucy to run around and play which enables us to enjoy Lucy’s full personality. My wife Lori has continually stated that he was the perfect choice and I could not agree more. Sydney is having a wonderful time hugging and laughing at both of them as they play. Voodoo in the meantime simply sits back, watches all of the activity and says “Stupid dogs. I don’t have to do anything and I get just as much attention!!!!” Thank you again for all that you and your organization do for this wonderful breed. Please let us know how we can continue to help you with your various efforts.
Larry, Lori, Sydney, Lucy, Charlie and Voodoo |
Sony is doing great. He is perhaps the most laid back Shar Pei I have ever seen. The only things that seem to excite him are rabbits and squirrels which he loves to chase. He never catches them although he is very fast. His friend is Forest a mixed breed and a little larger than Sony but Sony holds his own when they play. Sony likes to hide under the porch of our guest house and come charging out when Forest runs by. They are a great pair.
Sony adores my wife Esther and when I was hospitalized for over a month he really was a comfort to her particularly at night. Sony now sleeps beside my wife every night. We have a doggy bed that we keep under the bed and pull out at night. The only problem is at 6:45 every morning it is time to get up and chase all the rabbits out of the yard. It is amazing that Shar Peis can tell time.
Needless to say we all love Sony and I think he is very happy in his forever home. Thanks for such a wonderful dog. JAMES AND ESTHER
What a wonderful little dog. If Sony is an example of your work with Shar Pei’s you two are to be commended. Sony was excellent on the long ride back home. He spent most of the time lying on the blanket in the back. Not once did he fret or cry. When we got home, which was fairly late, we took him outside on the leash and then he came in and found a bed and spent a peaceful night. His new friend is “Forest Gump” and although he out weighs Sony by 15 lbs. Sony holds his own and is very fast. They love chasing the rabbits and squirrels. Since our area is so big we stay out with Sony until he is ready to come in but he is becoming more familiar with the surroundings and will soon be out on his own. I think he is happy in his new home.
Sony has a “Grandmother “ that lives next door (on the same property) and he already knows that she has some new toys and treats. To say that we are very pleased with Sony would be understating and he has helped lessen the lost of our last Shar Pei “Ming” Thank you again and keep up the good work. JAMES & ESTHER. |
Barb, Keegan fits right in! Getting pictures of all 3 dogs is like herding cats, they are all going a different direction.
Yesterday we took a road trip to Pet Smart and everyone had a blast. Last night I took Keegan to the girls' martial arts class and he was a hit.
A four year old girl came up to me and quietly inquired, "Is he half bull dog and half hippopotamus"? I could hardly contain my laughter. Thank you again,
he is so sweet. The Taylor Family

Hello Ron & Barbara, Rufus is doing good, he has graduated to sleeping in his crate with the door open, at first we only allowed him access to our bedroom and now to the whole house other then the kids bedrooms, we showed him the extra special bed we got for him and he doesn't seem to understand that it IS HIS and that he can sleep on it instead of sleeping in his crate... he will learn over time... he still is not allowed to rome the house while we are at work but that is coming... he is doing well... stubborn sometimes but overall well... He loves being in the kitchen with mommy while she is cooking we guess hoping food will drop... He is eating good now (1 can of wet food a day plus dry food anytime he wants).
Some of the pictures are in our house and on our property, some of the pictures are at the dog parks we brought him too so he can socialize with other dogs again. We have also brought him to pet smart a few times so he can get all the smells he wants and of course learn how to listen even when really doesn't want to... he did pee on a toy while we were there... lol... I guess he didnt want that toy.
The kids love playing with Rufus now and when it comes to training him the biggest issue we are having now is he doesn't realize yet that his teeth hurt so when rufus walks buy and drags his bottom jaw/teeth across you (telling you he wants to play of course) and hears ouch he turns around now and starts giving kisses... O and he wakes up rachael every morning with kisses too... Thank You from our Family.

Hey Sue, here's a picture of the family :) They were all sitting waiting for their treats. Sasha is doing great! Please pass these along to Barb and KC. I know KC was wondering how she was. This would be the kids from left to right... Otis, General Tso, and Sasha. Is that cute or what? Thanks! Julie

Hi Sue, here are a couple updated pictures of Wilbur. He is growing up so handsome and sweet. His eyes are giving him a little trouble and needs daily drops but he is so sweet and takes what ever comes along like a trooper. Everyone just loves him and never as much as Jonathan and I do. Hope all is going well over your way and with all your wonderful adopted pals. Marlene

WE ABSOLUTELY ADORE ODIN!!!! The girls love him. He loves everyone!!!! He has the most spectacular personality. They really do amaze me that they can come from such abuse to rise above it to give so much LOVE!!!! He is eating like a HORSE... No stomach problems... No GI.... Just FANTASTIC!!!
He is FABULOUS!!!! My husband can not believe how great he is... friendly, sweet, cuddler... They have been running in and out. Here's a picture of three tired campers sleeping on the cool tile!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!

Hi Barb, Hannah is the sweetest most wonderful dog in the world besides my deceased dog Mickey. She is Loveable, playful and so cute. This the first time I have adopted a dog opposed to buying a puppy, it was the best decision I could of made. The family and friends love her. My biggest worry was my grandchildren and they get along great. Even our 6 month old grandson Christian gets his toes licked by Hannah.
Hannah loves to watch the rain by the glass doors, she likes treats to chase lizards, ducks and everything in between. She even gets along and plays with her Chihuahua cousin Romeo. Thank you for your help in finding the greatest companion in our newly empty nesters lives. Thank you, Richard and Angie |
Hi all, just a quick note to let you know Bear is doing well. His coat looks gorgeous and no more itching, his new food is doing wonders. He had entropian surgery a couple a weeks ago and his eyes look great. He is really bonding with the other dogs. He used to have to be with mom every minute and follow me around like crazy. Now he feels secure and can go outside or to another room and sleep with one of the dogs. He is even learning that getting his little paws wet is not so bad. We have had the rainiest spring and summer here... the grass is wet all the time so he really has no choice...
I have included some of our daily morning walk... it's funny when you see Bear in the woods... I think he really was a city dog... the way he prances around... lol
Hope all is well with FSPR and all of you... Shannon & Bear Dog

Bear is feeling a lot better, he is very energetic now... sleeps upstairs with everybody else and is really enjoying himself. He loves to bound around the yard. I have attached some pics... they all have long leads on as they are in training. We have an acre for them to run in, which includes some nice wooden area. Bear is the star pupil, he is picking it up the quickest... smart little guy! Thanks Shannon
Cydney and Jordan were gone for a week Bentley missed them and would look for them about every day. We picked them up Saturday. When we got home he was all beside himself not knowing what to do first, he ran to greet them but decided he needed to run and jump. He was so excited it was funny too watch. Finally, he just jumped on them both telling them he was excited to see and not to go away again.
He loves the cats so much if they are outside the fence he whines and barks and while he is whining and barking he is running alone the fence. I think he is telling them it is not safe outside the fence, I cannot protect you out there. All of the cats like him also.
He has started to eat Wellington’s food first and then maybe his. The big rawhide bone you sent along with him he has finally decided to start eating it. When we get home in the evenings he runs to greet us and them runs to get his bone of which he is very protective. He will let all of the animals know if they are getting to close.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to adopt him. He is loved. Susie |
Who said Lucas doesn't like the water ? :) - Gabriele

We just wanted to let you know that Lucas is doing great here! He gets along with Trixy and even got his feet wet on the beach! :)
He enjoys our evening walks and even warmed up enough to play some fetch with his new Teddy!
Thank you , we really enjoy having him! Gabi
Hello, I just wanted to let you know how Chewy is doing. He seems to be gaining weight; I can no longer see his ribs and the bone on top of his head isn't protruding as much as it used to ( I could feel it when petting him). It also looks to me that his muzzle is getting meatier. He is eating very well. Anyhow, I just wanted to send some pics of our spoiled boy hanging out with the girls on the swing in our backyard. He loves to lay outside in the sun and when he gets hot he lays under the mango tree for shade. He seems to really enjoy the company from Faya and they sleep next to each other at night on the lanai. When I leave the doors to the house open to catch a breeze, he has no desire to come in. We do spend a lot of time outside. Thanks again for rescuing this Pei. I don't know how I ever lived without him. :o)

Hudson (formerly Simon), Alexis (formerly Bridgett), and PAWS rescue Miley, have formed their own Happy Endings family along with Kate and Kinzie (female human 10 and 13 yr old children) and of course the proud parents.
We want to thank the Florida Shar Pei rescue for adding to our family and for their help with questions and advice. You are always so supportive. Nancy and family
Then we have ALEXIS (a.k.a. BRIDGETT) with her new friend Wolfie the CAT!!! Who says Shar-Pei don't like felines?

Hudson (Formerly Simon) is doing wonderfully! He and Miley are good friends although she wears him out and still wants to play. He is catching on to her games and has even tricked her once. He adores the girls and he does chase the cats. they thought there was something WRONG with him since he didn't at first. Now they go out of their way to play chase games. They know he's a pussy cat, unlike Miley who traps them and bugs the daylights out of them for a few minutes. Hudson gives lots of kisses, he has played tug of war with Miley (their own idea) and their favorite game is KING/QUEEN of mom's bed. He is a keeper and we are crazy about him. Thanks Nancy, Katelyn and Mackenzie. p.s. Mike can't wait to meet this new guy in his life!
Max is doing fabulous! He loves the dog door and learned to use it after watching Odie use it just once. Of the many dogs we have adopted, Max learned the door the fastest. He loves to go outside to keep an eye on the squirrels. He LOVES to chase squirrels. We have a "bird" area fenced off in our backyard where we feed the birds and mostly squirrels. Max patrols it regularly. He has lots of energy and Odie loves to play with him. I cannot describe our joy when Odie initiated play for the first time. She has been disinterested in dogs since her brother passed away.
Max makes us laugh everyday. We realized we hadn't had a young dog in our home since 1985. We forgot that young dogs can see and hear VERY well. Max is always listening for the neighbor dogs and hears stuff Jim and I don't even notice anymore. I took him to our favorite vet who is a certified physical therapists today. She showed me many exercises as well as range of motion that will help Max's leg and keep him using it throughout his life. Many of these exercises can be turned into games which I am very anxious to do since we'll have so much fun.
Thanks for sending the commemorative card for Max's adoption, Pat. That was very thoughtful. Thanks so much for choosing us to adopt Max. He is adding some spice to our simple lives. Betty |
Here's a photo of Sadie and her new boyfriend Bogey! It's easy to see who the boss is in this house. They're doing GREAT!!! Thanks, Joan
My Charlie showed off his coolness on Halloween as a cool-man-dude Pei! He has done extremely well in a house full of love. Linda and I and Georgia and Pumpkin (the cat) all get along GREAT with Charlie.
As it turns out, Mr. Charlie is also somewhat of a ‘chick magnet’. Each time we walk, they come up to him pouring out compliments on how handsome and sweet he is. Hey is that for sure!!! We love our pei baby Charlie!!!
Thank you FSPR for your help in helping us care for Mr. Charlie when he had the shaking, Sharpei fever. Your quick responses on what we should do was invaluable. Everyone who adopts a pei-baby, please keep your owner manual for these sweet little people close by in case of emergency. Linda and Larry
Hi Barb and Pat,
Thank you again for the help with Charlie. Attached is a picture of the prince of the house!
He can now see lizards and other stuff while walking and loves to play with his sister, Georgia, the Bischon / Jack Russell mix. She runs circles around him, and he loves it.
Thank you both again. Sincerely, Larry
Hi Aunt Lou, sorry it has taken me so long to send you a note, but I needed Mom’s help with the computer and she has been sooo busy with work and church.
I am doing really good. Wrinkles and me have so much fun playing all day long. Mom’s a little worried that we play a little too rough because we play so hard. But I am having fun! ! When Wrinkles gets tired he jumps up on the couch away from me, but I just go right up to him and give him my paw and tell him to come down and play. I got a hold of Dad’s new socks. They are tube socks so they are nice and long and good to play tug a war with Wrinkles. Since I tore them up pretty good, Dad tied a couple of knots in them so we have something to hold onto. Now when we tug on the socks I can pull Wrinkles across the floor.
I don’t bark at Mom when she tries to get into bed anymore. The first couple of nights when Mom went to the bathroom I would not let her back into the bedroom. She was not very happy, but she just kept talking to me until I got use to her voice and was not scared anymore. Mom just wants to love all over me, but I am still not use to that and still shy away a little. But Dad just gets on the floor with me and I have given him kisses. Mom’s a little jealous of that, because I have not given her kisses yet.
Mom and Dad say I have a real soft mouth (what ever that means). Mom would get worried when I grab Wrinkles leg and start shaking it. She thought I was hurting him, but he never cried, he would just plop down and roll over. I really like chewing on Wrinkles ears; Mom and Dad say I slobber all over him.
I like Grandma Ruth too. She comes over everyday and plays with us. She tells everyone that I am her new granddaughter and she is happy to have a girl in the family. She also cooks good too. She made Wrinkles and me a turkey one weekend.
I know Mom and Dad love me because they tell me so and call me their baby girl. They also show me off with all their friends. I have visited Mom and Dad’s work offices and everybody thought I was so pretty. Mom is still trying to get a good picture of me and one of me and Wrinkles, but I won’t stand still long enough. She said she will keep trying and will send you a copy when she gets it.
Thanks for being my foster mom and friend, I miss you, but am happy at my new home. Love, Jia
Look at Mr. Plato!!! He is a happy boy and can see the world much more clearly now.
I just wanted to email a photo of plato since his surgery. Everything's going very well with him and our other pei. Please let us know if you need a foster home or anything else from us in the future.
Zach & Jennifer
Jake is doing great. He seems to really like being with us. For the first time when we got home from church he jumped up in excitement. He is really a cute dog!
The kids love him and enjoy walking him on a leash. We are also teaching the kids how to give him his doggie bones, so he gets use to them also giving him treats. He snores and makes this really cute sound when you are scrathing him.
My husband and I can't get over how much he looks like our old Sharpei, Yogi. We will continue to fill you in on what is going on. Thanks for a great experience. We enjoy having him and am glad he is an addition to our family. Thanks for making this such a great process and experience.
Well, it has been a long journey for my brother and me. I (Bumbles, the cuter one LOL) had many surgeries. From Cherry Eye to Entropian to Double Patella Luxation 3 times!! Don't know what that all means but I know it was rough where this funny plastic cone around my head for weeks. I banged into everything. But, TA-DA, I am getting better! I still limp on my right leg (the one they operated on twice) and sometimes I need to take a break more than the other Doggies but My Momma takes such good care of me. We have our daily massage, our special walk, and she hand prepares a special dish for my dinner. I am living the "SPA" life. I know you are jealous but some one has to do it.
Now my Brother, Walker Texas Ranger. Now he is a bit hyper but that is okay cause me and this little thing called a Chihuahua play with him every day. We have a blast. We have our own Futon so we play on it, wrestle, play rope, chew yummy bones & toys, and then of course Momma & Dadda come on the couch and give us hours of love and join in the wrestling too.
Now my sister the Chihuahua Bella Donna. She is real cool to play with but my other sister, the older one (11 years old) well she kinda is slow & older and loves to walk with us but doesn't much play no more. Momma says she is blind so she walks into things but she does real well when she hears the cheese drawer open, the can opener run, or the word "treat" and miraculously she books quickly for the kitchen. She sleeps a lot but we all love each other so much and take care of each other so much.
We love our home and when we are good, we get to sleep with Momma & Dadda which is really, really cool. There bed is a bit high for me so Momma lifts me up but Walker & Bella, well they show off and jump right up. See, little do they know I probably could get up on my own but I am using this "spa" treatment and pampering to the fullest extent before I get caught! Well that is enough from me. I know I talk a lot but I love my Momma & Dadda, they are so good to me. I had a bad life like my brother Walker but Momma said she rescue us from those bad places and for the rest of our lives, we will be loved forever. Don't know what RESCUE means, you being a dog and so, but whatever it is.... IT'S THE BEST! Hope all my buddies get adopt so they can experience this great feeling. Wow, we are loved!!

Hey everyone... Maxx here... errr you know me as Circuit! Just wanted to let you know I got all my shots and bloodwork and stuff yesterday. I liked it there because all the girls were fawning all over me and telling me what a beautiful boy I was. (Actually it was quite embarrasing and I think the little Yorkie "Princess" was a bit jealous because she kept snipping at me.
I got my toenails clipped and didn't even put up a fight... Mama was so proud she let me go into Pets Plus and pick out a new toy! The People at Pets Plus were telling me how beautiful I was too. It must be true! I know mama says so, but she is a bit biased I think.
My grandma is coming to visit and puppy sit for me while mom goes out of town to New Orleans. I am excited because I have heard stories she spoils her grandpuppies rotten.
Well I gotta run and go get ready for my afternoon walk... mom should be home in a minute. Please don't tell her I can type, she might put me to work and I like my life of leisure.
Thanks for finding me a home! Maxx a.k.a. Circuit
P.S. I have been sleeping up on mom's bed when she is gone. Can you believe I still have her fooled that I won't get up on the furniture. LOL
We took Circuit to Vidalia with us this weekend. My boss has a lake and 400 acres. We had a blast. Circuit rode on the Golf cart with me, helped me catch fish and even made friends with the other neighbor dogs. We stayed in their pool house and he was just the best boy ever. He rides in the car like a dream and has just been the little gentlemen. My boss and his son were crazy over him. We went over to barn and he even behaved himself around the horses and cattle. Of course he has slept all day today from his big weekend adventure. Barb I cannot tell you how very happy I am with Circuit. He warms up a little more each day. I cannot imagine why anyone would abandon this dog. Deborah
Amos is doing very well. He just had entropian surgery, but recovered very nicely. The vet used synthetic sutures and Amos stood quietly and relaxed while the vet removed them. The vet said Amos is an awesome dog and ought to be cloned. Everyone at the animal hospital here loves him.
He's very smart. He has figured out how to get into his toy box and take out all of his toys. He loves to play fetch. If he wants his bed he'll drag it into another room and then he'll get his blanket and make his bed. He keeps us very entertained.
Amos weighs 38.4 pounds now and his coat has grown back in. He has a beautiful coat. He is a bundle of energy. I take him for a two-mile walk almost every day. We're so glad that Amos joined our household. We love him. Cynthia
Happy New Year Barb and Ron, Our little Amos has settled in. We are crazy about him. He keeps us amused.
I've attached a couple of photos for you. Thank you for all you do rescuing these remarkable dogs. Cynthia

Tobee and Lilee: where to start! In September after volunteering to foster, I picked up my first two foster shar peis from the Miami shelter Lilee and Tobee. Having been an avid shar pei lover and previous shar pei owner of two in the past and shar peis will probably be the only dogs I will ever have; I looked at these two and thought....oh my god! they are the ugliest shar pei's I have ever seen. Hairless, very smelly, coughing, boney and dirty, I was eyeing my husband because of his reluctance in being a foster in the first place and I was sure he would never let me do this again.
Well baths, food, medication, dog training, street searches for the run away pei ...later they would blossom. Hair would return, commands learned, illnesses would heal, trust would develop and it would be all worth it. They make me laugh, they give me comfort and i enjoy their company, but they required an still require persistence, dedication and a tremendous amount of love to get here.
Tobee immediately came to me and liked affection. Lilee however was never socialized and suffers anxiety with the absent of Tobee. With a few interests in Lilee I was faced with the split of these two and in the end was not able to let them go. Not just because I did't think they should be separated, that was one reason...but I grew to love them and they became a part of the family.
These two are a funny pair; lilee is the crazy and Tobee the lover. I no longer chase Tobee down the street :), they come when called, they do ok at the dog park, great at the vet (tobee even gets kisses from the vet), no fuss to clip nails or bath, they are welcoming to new foster peis and other four legged friends and most of all they are so good in the house and everyone loves them. Everyday they get better and better. They are super dogs and I can't remember what it was like with out them.....my husband has even grown to love them and they him. They are such a pleasure and so very rewarding to see them blossom from very scared, abused, and neglected peis into the trusting, lovable wrinkles they are today. So for all the potential forever homes out there....never judge a book by its cover and absolutely give your pei a chance! Lou

Hi to all of you wonderful people at FSPR who helped me find my forever home. I had a very busy Saturday starting off in Brooksville with my foster Mom, Christine. I met some really nice people and then Leigh and my Mom told me I was going to be taking a car ride to meet my new forever family. Leigh said she had checked them out last weekend and thought they were a-okay to be my new parents. I was a little nervous but, hey, it's a forever home so it can't be all that bad! I met my new Mom & Dad at PetSmart. They brought my older sister China with them. She's not a Pei, but she's kind of cool anyway. She didn't have much to do with me at first but after we got home she decided I wasn't too bad and pretty much has been ignoring me for now which is fine. At least she's not being defensive or aggressive and I respect her space and things.. She actually wagged her tail a couple of times...she didn't think I saw that though. We all went for a walk this morning and did just great. I think we are going to get along just fine. I had one little accident last night, but my new Mom said it was okay. I felt bad about it but I just wasn't sure what to do my first night. I also have 2 feline sisters. They haven't warmed up to me yet but I know it's just a matter of time before I win them over too.
I'm sitting here at the computer with my new Mom since she's helping me write this letter. I just wanted to thank Christine for the wonderful care she gave me during my darkest times. She will always be my Mom too, no matter what. I also want to thank Leigh for bringing me to Palm Coast to my new family. She's real cool too and really knows all about Pei's. She told my new family they could call anytime with any questions and if need be, she could be here in a jiffy. Boy, did that make me feel special!
Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say "hi" and "thanks" for all of the love and kindness everyone at FSPR has shown me. My parents are even considering becoming a foster family once I get all settled in which would be great. I'll write more later and send some updated pictures as I fill out.
Take care everyone and never give up on finding your forever home...I did! XOXOXO, Nina
A Special Note from FSPR for Nina -
Dear Nina - You're such a good pretty little girl. We knew when you came to rescue that no matter what horrors you'd seen in the past, that a little love from Amy, then Vicki, then Christine and all the other FSPR people, you'd trust us humans and really want to be a family pet. We hope your eyes will always feel comfy now and that your rump gets some new fur soon! :-) Tell China hello - she's a good girl too, so don't bug her, and you'll be friends before too long. We're glad you like going for your walks in beautiful Palm Coast. Keep us updated - we all love you! Florida Shar-Pei Rescue Crew

We are just loving Sugar Bear. My grandson Lee loves her "because she's so quiet". Lee can play all around her and she isn't bothered by any noise his toys make. He loves to go lay on her bed with her and love on her.
I've taken Sugar Bear and Bosco for half hour walks each day. Lee walked Sugar Bear on our walk today. She walks with us so nicely too. Lee helps to take her for short walks out back on her leash every day too, and loves giving her treats cause she takes them so gently. I was showing Lee today how to tell her to come, then sit, then give her the treat. I just love her and love seeing Lee interact with her so lovingly.
We gave Sugar Bear a bath today. Not sure she was too fond of it, but she looks more beautiful than ever. I'm so happy I decided to give Sugar Bear a forever home.
I have to get more of those treats you gave me. She loves them.
Thanks so much for all you've done. I'm forever grateful. I'll be in touch again soon. Be Blessed, Cindy
Well, Onyx has finally realized that he is home. He will occasionally try to escape and tease us – but he loves our neighbor teen and will always go to him.. Onyx plays every day with his pei sister, Orso. Our house looks like a day care center when we come home from work with toys strewn all over. He went trick o’ treating with Orso and the grandchildren on Halloween and he had a blast. He was the hit of the neighborhood. We took him to our Vet for a routine check and he was told that he was one of the best Shar Pei they have ever seen. His fur has grown in beautifully and the dandruff is gone – thanks to his daily yogurt – which he loves. Here is a picture of him with his Pei sister and another with the 2 younger grandchildren – who he is loves.

This is our Charlee Chan. He likes the Pittsburgh snow and does not mind the cold. He loves our fenced in yard which is where the picture was taken. I know it is not a very good picture and I will send better ones later but for now this will work. Charlee has been a welcomed addition into our home. He likes to play fetch with his tennis ball. He is getting along well with our cats and our female shar-pei. He seems to howl more than bark which is very cute!! If he is outside and I'm not in the kitchen when he wants in he lets me know it. Charlee and my female run laps around the yard chasing the cats, playing with each other and trying to smell the neighbors dog. Charlee hasn't met a person he doesn't like. He likes to meet people at the door with a wagging tail and like I said he doesn't bark at anyone. All of the children adore him and love to pet his soft sable coat. Thank you so much for bringing Charlee into our lives. We absolutely adore him!! If we come to Florida next year for a vacation we will let you know so he can see everyone that helped save his life!!
Good morning, this is Laine contacting you from St. Augustine, FL regarding the status of Flagler Boy, Cairo and now The Incredible Hulk. He is doing very well and has become a great addition not only to my home but also to the community of St. Augustine Beach where he has become a celebrity. People love seeing him on the beach and go out of their way to say Hi to him. He really loves the attention and totally loves the sand and beach. He and Johnny are best of friends. I nicknamed him "The Incredible Hulk" because he can jump 4 feet in the air, do back flips and have never seen a dog with such athletic ability.
I just wanted to update you and send some pics of him at the beach. It's very hard for me to get a good image because he is so excited and will not stay still long enough.
Keep up the great work - Laine

Marina attended her very first Halloween Party at PetSmart Tuesday night. We had such a good time. Kathryn
Well finally some photos of my babies for you. Sorry it took so long. Newman (formerly Lucky) and Abby (formerly Acorn) have brought such joy to my home. They are both just spoiled as could be. They just love each other too. They play and wrestle and Jessie my little kitty, jumps right into the action with them. Jessie likes to jump on Abby and wrestle her neck, its so fun to watch. I couldn’t imagine my home without my pei babies. Newman still has a little problem with his right eye, but otherwise, well, he is just Newman. We got his teeth cleaned and the vet tech wants to take him home with her, haha. They both get spa day once a month and I do the in between baths.
Everyone loves both of them and they love everyone. Newman is still territorial in his home when it comes to my sisters dogs, but when I take Newman and Abby to my sister’s house they are both fine there. Newman hates the camera, he knows what it looks like, so I get more hind pictures than front end pictures, he bolts to a corner and faces the corner so I cannot get a picture of him. It’s pretty comical. So it took me awhile to get the pictures I’ve got. Abby hates medicine and when she sees the bottle for her ears, she goes running.
Hope all is well with everyone. Jackie
Toby's 4th Birthday! For all our doggy friends... this is our Grandpuppy that lives here in Daytona Beach... TOBY. He gives good kisses... will give you a smile for today... yes, he looks just like Grampa Frank... LOL... N
Frank & Nancy
Hello Everyone! I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful addition Stewart is to our family. He has settled in so well that it seems that he was destined to join us. He is everything we had hoped for, and so much more. I had hoped he would get along with the cats, and he is so gentle and kind to them. I had hoped he would be a good playmate for the ferret, and he is the best playmate possible. He will gently gum the ferret and wrestle and play so nicely that the ferret adores him. The ferret sleeps in a drawer in my desk, and Stewart will lie patiently in front of it, sniff expectantly, whine a little, and wait endlessly for the ferret to come out and play. He will also wake from a deep sleep when he hears the ferret's little feet scamper across the wood floors.
He has excellent manners, and knows right where to do his business. He loves the backyard, and he has made friends with the neighbor's little maltese through the fence. He loves walks, but gets tangled a lot in his leash. He rides in the car every day to pick up my youngest son from school, and he is a local celebrity there because he is so adorable and friendly.
As for the boys, where do I begin??? They tell me daily how wonderful he is. He is soooo affectionate, and he greets them with wags and kisses at the door every time they come home from school. He sees them off in the morning too. He plays so nicely, and is frisky enough to keep up with them when they are in hyperdrive!
As for me, what more could I ask for? Because I work at home as an online teacher, Stewart and I are together all day and all night, and we are bosom buddies. He follows me absolutely everywhere *(even into the bathroom), and he shows so much appreciation for being petted and rubbed. He emanates affection! He sleeps with my husband and me on our bed, and he lies at my feet all day while I work. When I take a break, we go outside for fresh air together.
What impresses me so much is the time, love and care you put into getting Stewart ready for his new home. Potty training took no time at all, he doesn't jump up, he has excellent table manners, etc. We don't have a crate, and he is fine loose in the house, even when we are not home. He is so sweet, so loving, so gentle, so handsome, so soft, so affectionate, so well-behaved...need I say more?
Our family is forever in your debt for rescuing this canine guardian angel... Sandra

Hi Barb I hope you remember me, this is Holly. Thank you sooo much for my new family I could not be happier they love me so much I have so much fun with them they take me on golf cart rides and car rides and give me bathes every week. They are so good to me I HAVE GAINED ABOUT 8LBS AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SPENT THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH MY NEW FAMILY . SO THANK YOU AGAIN SOOOOO MUCH. I dont know how you did it but you gave me the greatest family in the world. Hope all my friende there get great homes just like I did. Love Holly
Hi Barb and Amy, I've attached a picture of Zoe and Polar. We recently had a real break through with Zoe. She has been much more trusting of us since Polar arrived. However she still would not take treats from our hands. We would have to put it on the floor and then she would eat it. Creamy peanut butter on bread did the trick. She is now happy to be hand fed by any family member! Another recent first was she kissed me on the knee! Zoe will come up to be petted but does not lick anyone. It is amazing that after all this time she is still becoming more affectionate. She is such a great dog. Zoe and Polar get along wonderfully. They are always close to each other.
Polar is the same goofy guy he was as a youngster. He is the happiest dog! His glaucoma remains under control. However he is tired of getting eye drops and we end up chasing him to give the drops every night. He is quite clever about escaping from us. I actually think he finally takes pity on us and allows us to catch him. Zoe gets in on the action too. When she sees me get the eye drops she quietly moves closer to Polar. And runs interference while I try to nab him. It is so funny. What a team!
I hope everything is going well at the Rescue. We are very grateful to you for finding our Zoe and Polar. Sincerely, Peggy
Recently I adopted Buddy a Shar Pei mix. He is the best and we are a family. We recently changed trucks and got a new address in Richland Hills, TX but we are tackling the world together.
He is happy, healthy and goes to see the vet in September to get an all clear for his heart worms.
I do not know what i did before I found Buddy he is my life now. Dan |
We recently adopted a beautiful baby girl thru Florida Shar Pei Rescue. We call her Cocoa Puffs. We could not be any more ecstatic!!
We love our beautiful baby girl pei!
We have always had shar peis as pets and found the FSPR on line by accident after looking for another shar pei puppy to add to our family. After reading some of the horrific stories these beautiful animals have gone thru and then reading the happy endings, we knew we just had to open our home and help a pei.
That was the best decision we ever made!! We adopted a puppy from south Florida who was a owner surrender even before meeting her. We fell in love instantly! We just absolutely adore her. She fits right in and is the 'queen' of our house. She is the proudest and most loyal dog we ever owned and also very protective when need be. Her personality is very unique and very colorful. She has brought our family much happiness.
As an owner of the shar pei breed for over 20 years, i can honeslty say this puppy we apopted thru the rescue is the most behaved, well mannered dog we ever owned. We will alway keep our home opened to more rescue adoptions. A big thanks to all the people involved with the Florida Shar Pei Rescue in helping this beautiful, unique breed find homes.
For anyone interested in saving the life of a pei, there is no greater reward than the loyalty and love you will get in return from this special breed!!
Thank you
Jackie S & family.
Jim, Thank you so much for introducing us to 'Aries'. We absolutely love her. She has really fit in beautifully with our family.
We have renamed her Cocoa Puffs. She now rules the roost. SHe is so spunky and full of energy. Her Pei brother cannot keep up with her. She is
definitely not afraid of anything and loves to explore. She doesnt even mind going into the wet grass and getting her feet wet which is unheard from
her Pei brother. Her bark is feroucious but what a lover girl she is.
She loves to play and cuddle. Our other three dogs cannot keep up with
her. She loves to get her belly rubbed and her neck and if you think about
stopping she will give you a wack with her paw. She is already spoiled
rotten. She has her favorite spot on the bed and couch, but her new
lounging area is the sofa table in front of the window. She has also
become very protective of our family. When her human brothers get the
rowdy with the other dogs she will come to their defense. She is just what
our family wanted. She's definitely a blessing and we thank you for
recommending her to us. Enclosed are pics of her when we just got her. Isnt she the most beautiful puppy ever?
Jackie S and family |
Phoebe came into my life and home as a Foster Pet. I wanted to help the FSPR since they were such a great organization, supporting wonderful animals. The FSPR provided much help and support, when my Rescue Shar Pei, Brandy was lost after we were in a terrible car accident while traveling out of state. Sadly, Brandy did not survive and there was an emptiness in my heart that I was certain could never be filled.
I took in Phoebe only temporarily, since I wasn't sure if I had the physical stamina or the emotional strength to care for another animal, I had just barely survived an automobile accident, 4 surgeries and the loss of Brandy. Phoebe was brought over to my home by Sue of the FSPR, and I took one look at Phoebe's calm demeanor, her ribs that were showing and her beautiful eyes and decided she needed my care and help until a permanent family would find her.
Phoebe and I went for short walks, I tried to sneak her medicine into her food, but she was smarter than that! I finally had to open the capsule and sprinkle the medicine on her tongue. She was a very picky eater and continued to lose weight while battling an ear infection. As she slowly improved, so did her appetite. After a few weeks, she had gained about 10 pounds and our walks turned into exercising to maintain figures instead of just short walks.
After a couple months, Phoebe and I had a routine together, understood each other and we stayed very close in physical contact with each when in the same room. Then I get the call that a family was interested in permanently adopting Phoebe and the thought of losing her almost broke my heart. By that time, she was part of my life, routine and a great companion. I permanently adopted her and I'm thrilled that she is a permanent part of my life. She keeps constant watch over me, and if I'm out of her sight, she continually roams the house and yard until she finds me.
Phoebe is a very important part of my life and is a true companion. While there will always be a place in my heart for my beloved Brandy, I am thankful that Phoebe stuck her big beautiful nose in my heart and would not leave.
We enjoy our walks, go to the St. Petersburg Dog Parks for socializing and she goes with me to friend's homes. People understand, that "if you invite Jan, you invite Phoebe".
THANK YOU FSPR for bringing such a wonderful being into my life!!
Hello! I just wanted to tell you how well Jett is doing. I have never seen a more well behaved dog. I am so attached to him. I wanted to send you some pictures, and just let you know how much he is loved. He is living with us in NC, and loves this climate much more than in FL. He has a nice backyard he loves to run and play in. He is our baby, and I just wanted to thank you so much! Sarah & Jordan

This is Taino formely Zen when we rescued him in March of last year... We love him and we would not give him up for anything in the world.
He is very lovable, playful and full of energy... He loves Yogurt! That is his treat every night and once a week he eats a boiled egg with a hot dog and he loves it.
We are always looking at the site and will be adopting another one soon... Hopefully they will turn out to be like Taino...
Hi, my name is Rachael and I came to live with my new family on March 1st of this year. I was a lonely pup until then who wanted to be loved and part of a family. My foster parents brought me to my Mom and Dad's and when I pranced into the house I knew right away that this was the place for me. Everyone was warm and friendly and happy to see me. I never left after that day! I now have a human sister and brother, a canine sister named Maddie (she's a mutt, but I love her anyway) and a Shar-Pei brother named Gunner (who by the way was a rescue also) and a feline brother named George. I must admit, that I wasn't sure what he was when I first arrived, but I have to say that he's ok (but don't tell him that).
My new home is full of love and laughter and there is nothing better than curling up next to my Dad to take a nap when he is reading, or to lay in the kitchen when my Mom is cooking. Actually, there's nothing better than being a part of a family where I can give lots of love and kisses and get it all back in return. So, if you are reading this and thinking about adopting one of my fellow rescues, please do so. Making a "rescue" a part of your home is one of the most rewarding things you can do and I guarantee your Shar-Pei will love you with their entire being. Love, Rachael
We adopted Hudson and Kailani last December and they are a wonderful addition to our family. Hudson has been the best big brother to Kailani and they love to play, walk and ride in the car together. As you can see Kailani likes anything of Hudson's including the chair, his bed, or anything he may have in his mouth! Hudson is very patient but now that Kailani is getting older he challenges her just a little bit more and doesn't let her get away with everything. Kai pretty much thinks she's the Empress of the house but Hudsy knows he's the Emperor! They play a pretty good game of chase and try to get the cats involved but they would rather not. Katherine
Maddie is so happy in her new home. We can't thank you enough! She has brought such joy and sunshine into our lives. Thanks to all the volunteers who orchestrated all of the efforts in order to get her to us. We just love her.
We wanted to send off a picture of Roman a.k.a. Romeo. As you can see he is thriving and we are more than thankful his leg tumor was benign. He is a hefty 95 pounds and is extremely active. He is such a loving puppy and we are all blessed to have him in our family. The whole rescue experience was wonderful and I highly recommend it to everyone looking for a new family member. Thanks to everyone for all your tireless efforts at saving and protecting our pei's.
Dom, Dominic and Patrisha
The puppy is doing awesome!!! Madyson has renamed her Gabby and everyone is wonderful. She is playing with Pudge really well although she doesn't quite "get" the chase game yet, she is eating wonderfully and has only had one accident in the house and it was partially my fault. She is a joy, I can't say enough wonderful things about her. Ginger is wonderfully sweet and I see where she gets her personality from! I am so thankful that she is part of our lives. She kisses everyone to pieces and has the best personality. The hardest part was picking one! You just want to take them all home mom and all :) We can already tell she is going to be the best dog ever, smart as a whip and sweet as can be!
She LOVES our new grass as does Pudge and Ross but she is so cute, she goes out there and just lays with her little legs behind her basking in the sun while Mady swings and slides. She is just too wonderful for words! I couldn't have a better mother's day with her as a part of it. Marc, Angela, Madyson, Gabby, Rosco & Pudge
As you can see Liam is having a real hard time adjusting to his new home. Not. LOL - J.R.
This Past Week will have been the 2 year anniversary of me adopting Junior. Owning Shar-pei's for over 17 years, I have to say Junior is the best behaved and well mannerred dog I have ever enjoyed. When we got him he did have a food agressive nature to him that was quickly broken. He is very cat friendly, and now enjoys me 24 hrs a day. Due to a recent back ailment i will no longer be able to work again, so Junior gets to enjoy frequent daily walks when my backs lets me. I cannot say enough about how happy I am with him and the service you provide. I think Junior is happy in his new life as I am. I have decided I will adopt Shar-peis from here on end. Junior is the sparkle in my eye and I hope he lives to a ripe old age like my previous Shar-pei Kato who lived to 14 yrs old.
And here are my kids....
Cappy is the BEST rescue girl, thanks to Ron and Barb... and Kokomo was a puppy of Kemo, a black female we saved way back... I guess dad was a traveling salesman... German, Shepherd I am guessing.. they are great as all of our kids are... Thanks gang... Jackie
Attached is updated pics of Rascal!!! He is doing great and he is SO lovable. He is definitely a Momma's boy and has taken over as the guard dog of the house!!! Candy
My name is Lucy - and I have a new home thanks to the Florida Shar Pei Rescue. I love my new home and my new parents. I am around 12 weeks old and have already made everyone in my new home know that I am the Queen. I LOVE IT HERE! My new family gave me their heart!
Happy Valentines Day!
Love Lucy Lou
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know about KaCee. He is doing great. We are so thankful for him. Scott jokes that he is actually a Jack Russell in a Shar-pei suit, because he digs and is FULL of energy. Not the typical couch potato Shar-pei. We love him dearly.
He immediately made himself at home. He and Gilby get along great. They are constantly wrestling all over the house.
The timing for him joining our family was perfect we lost our Fluffy in December. It was very sudden and of course heart wrenching. She died from renal failure. She was only 11 years old. Having KaCee made things a little better, he is a ray of sunshine.
Thank you again for all you do for Shar-pei.
Scott, Peg, Fluffy, Gilby and KaCee!
Hello Everyone, just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful adopting Zach has been. He is full on energy and makes us laugh all the time. We all love him so much, and our other dogs seem to like him too. He's quite used to sleeping on the bed now, and we have gotten used to his snoring. Thanks again, Emily and family
I just wanted to let everyone know how our Zach is doing. He's so wonderful and playful. We had a few dominance issues with our other male, but they have worked out all differences. He still can't figure out the cats, and he just see's them as little play toys.
Again, I hope he just gets tired of them hissing and swatting at him. He sleeps on the bed and snores very loud! But we all love it and he has brought much joy to our home. We'll keep you updated and send some pictures.
Thanks again, Emily |
In case you haven't heard, Winston has gone to a wonderful family in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. He has a 15 month old sister, a red fawn Pei, named Ruffles. They get along very well. In fact, Ruffles' friends at their play park are having a baby shower for Winston. Once again, thank you all for everything you did for Winston. Without your help, none of this would have been possible.
Here are Winston & Ruffles celebrating Christmas 2007 and the fact that Winston has found his new FurEver home.
We've all fallen in love with Blue (and, I think, Blue with us). He is so wonderful (although extremely hardheaded). He loves all our other dogs (including a 6-month-old I'm fostering for a rescue) and is even starting to tolerate the cats. He is learning to like other people as well. I think that as he gains confidence in our love for him, he becomes more trusting of others.
The changes I have seen in Blue since he came to our house are amazing. He has calmed down so much and become so much more mellow. All of his previous anxiety has left him. He even trusts us enough to let us drag him into the shower for a "bath." I would certainly be happy to talk with any perspective pei adopters about how a dog can change so significantly once they feel safe in a family.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know how Blue and his family were doing. Thank you so much for allowing us to welcome Blue into our home. He's a real gem.
Here's Mai Zee dressed for a cold day in SC with her "sister". Thanks for all
your advice. I gave Mai Zee her first vitamin today. Hope you have a wonderful
Christmas !! Debbie
Thought you'd enjoy these photos of Reba with her buddies. We really love her; she's a wonderful girl and a real asset to our family. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Pamela
Update 05/2008: I promised you a recent photo of Truman and Rosabelle. As you can see, they want for nothing and are thriving! We love them dearly and are so pleased they are a part of our family. Pamela
Jaxson has adapted so well to our family. He became instant friends with his new sister Liza. He loves to lay around on top of us. He definitely has no issues with personal space. We have enjoyed him so much! Thank you guys for all you do!
Hi Barb, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I am learning how to send pictures on my computer and I told you I would send some of Buster Brown when I did learn so here you are.
You can see for yourself how spoiled he is now...:)
Kristen |
Peanut is doing great. I've got her sitting and walking on the leash with
other dogs. She is so great. She is a fantastic snorer!! I take tons of
pictures. Hope all is well. She is such a messy eater! Ha!
Thanks, Greg
This is Bill and his Dawg Clan from various rescues and shelters. He loves the breed and is an active supporter of our cause.
Bill takes his crew with him on all types of adventures from fishing the Florida flats to traveling Southern Colorado & Moab Utah.
Who says shar-pei don't like water????
Twiggy is wonderful...we
could not have asked for a better dog. As a previous owner of shar peis
I had high expectations, but Twiggy surpassed them all. She is of course
spoiled, even though she may have to fight for some attention in a few months
because my wife and I are expecting a little one. Not to worry, Twiggy will
always be our "first born". People are just amazed at how great she is with
little kids, doesn't eat furniture, is housetrained and everything else you
already know but love to hear from us. I have to say, she does like me better
than my wife and will sit at my feet when I'm at the computer or watching
TV. She is very healthy and so active and fun to play with.
Thanks, Brad
Thought you would like a picture of our 2 babies. Tucher and Molson were adopted from their foster mom, Amy. Both are doing great. Molson was born with a heart murmur that is now gone. They are the best of friends, and their mom and dad could not love them any more. They now live in Parkland, FL.
Mark and PJ
Hi Sue,
KaCee is doing great! He immediately made himself at home. He and Gilby get
along great. They are constantly wrestling all over the house. Thank you
again for taking such great care of him. Here are
a couple pics of our pretty boy!
Keep in touch, Scott, Peg, Fluffy, Gilby and KaCee!

I just wanted to let everyone see some new pics of Princess and Justice.
Many of you already know about our new babies but for
those of you who do not they are our new additions to the family.
Justice is about 4 1/2 months old and is a Shar-Pei/ Beagle mix. Princess is
about 11 months and is full Shar-Pei. They are such a joy to have around and
we are very in love with the pair of them! Nikki
» See More Pics of JUSTICE & PRINCESS!
Truman LOVES our yard. Now that we are on our second Shar-pei, we're
realizing how many of Jefferson's traits weren't just his quirky personality,
but due to his breed. Truman, as Jefferson did before him, is starting
to patrol his yard. We used to call Jefferson "The Police", and Truman
is following suit. Truman polices everyone in the yard, makes sure they
are where he thinks they should be, and runs after anyone who tries to leave.
He's just fitting in so well -- our family feels more complete once again!
Thanks, Pamela

Just wanted to update everyone on Ziggy and send a couple of photos taken this morning. He has settled in and is doing great. He enjoys being able to just wander around in the yard and sniff all the smells and see all there is to see. He also loves the bed and his sleep spot now is the master bed. LOL. Also sending a photo of Rebecca taken this morning (she's my Orlando oldster and 11). Bronia

We Adopted TEI on June 3, (that's when we also found out his real name was MUSHU). Just wanted to let you know that he has settled in very well and is getting along very well with his brother BUBBA who is a pomeranian. They like to steal their toys from each other. Just wanted you to know how much we enjoy him and love him. When I took him to our Vet, they were impressed as to how relaxed and friendly he was. They said he was a great dog and on a scale of 1 to 10 for a Sharpei Mushu rates 10. I have also send along some pictures. As you can see he and his Human father like to sleep on the couch.
Thanks again for such a wonderful dog.
Just wanted to send you a Pic and info about Saboo (formerly known as Izzy).
We have settled in a nice house in Jacksonville with a fenced yard, but he
spends most of his time lying next to his adopted mom's feet and follows
her around all day long. We have to keep him on medication for his skin allergy,
but fur looks great and we get complements all the time. He gets to run and
play at the Jacksonville Dog Park where we bought a membership for him. He
ended up being an XXL Shar-Pei, weighing in at 87 lbs (wow). He and his
new adopted father love to wrestle and roughhouse as soon as the daddy gets
home from work every day.
Thank you all so much, he has helped as much to fill a void in our lives as we
did his after losing 2 shar-peis to old age (10 and 12). Bruce and Marianna
Hi, Barb and Ron. Here's my new vacuum cleaner. I call it the DOUBLE BARREL
CORDLESS VACUUM. What one side misses, the other one gets. Samsun is an
absolute joy. We gave him a bath this weekend, and dremeled his nails. He was
great. Love him, Love him, Love him.
See ya, Sue
Thank you so much for sending your website to me. I had it saved to my favorites since the day I saw Sheng. I looked at it everyday. He is such an AWSOME baby. We love him so much. I think he might be getting tired of have so many kisses on his nose. His noise and checks are my favorite part. He climes up in my lap and lays on me at night. When the kids go to bed he knows it is just Sheng and mommy time. My husband gets jealous sometimes and calls him over so he can love on him, it's so funny.
He went to my mommy's home on Saturday. We celebrated Mother's Day with my family on Saturday morning with all the family. I had 2 sisters, 2 brothers, 1 brother's friend, 1 niece, 1 nephew, Mom, hubby & my kids, great granny, and Sheng were all there. My mom has 2 dogs and they got along great. We all ate breakfast outside at the picnic table. It was nice and cool and everyone got along. On Sunday Biggn's family came over and meet Sheng. His mom and step dad love Sheng. His grandmother is truly not an animal person to say the least but we caught her petting him a couple of times. I guess she did not think anyone was watching her. LOL She was so BUSTED!!!
I will be sending you pictures soon. Thanks for everything! Alana
Sheng's Dogster page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/484074
Hi Barb, this is Brenda, we adopted Gus and Ming.
Gus has gained about 12 pounds,
he is very spoiled,he loves his baths & over medium eggs. He sleeps in my bed
with me at night, but that tail wags all day, although on Sundays it takes him
about 45 minutes to get out of bed. He loves his walks and the cat curls up in
his stomach at night we will forward pictures soon.
As for Ming my mother said he is the star of the neighborhood and now has a friend, a female pomeranian named Josie, they both love the snow and are inseprable. We will be ready to get a permanent playmate for gus around the fall. Thank you so very much as these 2 have filled our homes and our hearts.
Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for having Dr. Vidt's address on your website. I went there, found the FAQ section and was able to see that my dog's edemitis rear hocks were something he not only knew about, but had
suggestions for deflating her swelling. She recently had a minor surgery
for some benign tumors and when he cut into her, she flowed lymph. He had never seen it and was concerned. After seeing the article from Dr. Vidt, I called Shane and he went to the site and learned from it also.
again for the info. It has been really helpful and it takes a bit of the
unknown and makes it easier to deal with the sweetie that I have.
Piko is a Shar Pei mix we got in Hawaii in 2000. She is 7 and a great girl.
All the best, Joe
Hi Barb, Leigh, and Amy, I've attached our first pictures. Zoe and Polar love each other!
We introduced them at the dog park and they immediately liked each other. Except for rare few moments of quiet, they have played all night long. Amazingly it is Polar that stops playing and Zoe is still going strong! I think we fulfilled Zoe's dreams.
Polar was a bit reticent with us initially. But after his second walk he is allowing me to grab him and pet him. I still have to give a bit of a chase but he is much more compliant than this afternoon.
I'll send more pictures in a few days. I can't wait to see the two of them sleeping together.
I appreciated Leigh's call and all your offers of assistance should I have any further questions. Thanks everyone for all your help!
Sincerely, Peggy
Just a short note to let you know how much we love Leo. Breanna, Austin, Blair and I just love having him as a member of our family. He has settled in so well that it's like he's been here forever. As you can see by this picture he considers himself one of the family. We take him over to my mom and dad's 3 times a week for Peibie Daycare and he loves playing with their foster Peis. He especially enjoys visiting with his Pei harem, and the female Pei's absolutely adore him. Thank you for rescuing this precious Peibie and for letting us give him his forever home.
Just an updated picture from Shadow that I wanted to share with you! He is doing great and getting
along with Sadie like they are Bonnie & Clyde! Hope all is well.
Love Shadow, and the people that love him.
Lori, JR Logan & Sadie too!
Hello Barb, I had promised to stay in touch, and give you an update on Ruffles.
First and foremost, I would like once again to say Thank you to both, you an
Chandra! Ruffles is the Angel into my life, an Angel, that was so needed to brighten
my days. Ruffles is doing very well, we bond so strong together, that our friends
calls us inseparable. He is lovable, very well behaved, and with amazing personality.
I love him to death, and will never have it any other way. He loves to play
with his toys, sleeps next to Mommy and goes for a walk every day. On the weekends
we always visit the Paw Playground. As you probably know from my previous e-mail,
he is also a member of Dogster, where he has all of his most resent pictures
and diary for his activities. Here is his link: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/403050/sniff
He is my precious Sunshine!
Kind Regards, Dessi |